Friday Finds: Your Tea ( Teatox)


Have  you ever heard of a Teatox? Seen those before and after stomach selfie’s on Instagram, stating how much weight they have lost by drinking tea, NO? Well I have, so I wanted to put one to the test! I did my research and found a company Your Tea. I went with them because I felt that they were speaking to me not a consumer and I really liked what they stood for.

Your Tea- “Provides  you with knowledge on how to achieve, maintain and continue on with optimum health – with and without our products. At Your Tea, our blends are based upon Traditional Chinese Medicine principles (TCM).TCM uses herbal concoctions that are consumed on an on-going basis, until your body has healed.”

Isn’t nice to feel like a brand isn’t shouting at you, ” You HAVE to use our brand FOREVER AND EVER!” They give you the power!



They have many different options of teas like Sex life Tea, Tiny Tea, Skin Magic Tea, Her Tea,  Breast Friend Tea, etc. It’s save to say that I order more than just the Tiny Tea, I also ordered Skin Magic Tea and of COURSE SEX LIFE TEA. ( SORRY DAD!)  I wanted to really test out the validity of the product I am doing one at a time. I love tea but a girl can only drink so much!

So let’s get REAL, did this tea do what it said it was going to do, help with:

  • bloating
  • indigestion
  • problematic skin
  • cellulite
  • reduction of excess weight
  • increase energy

It really did, not only did it taste good, it left me with energy, clear skin and helped decrease bloating and indigestion. Unlike other “detox” tea’s this tea does not have you running to the bathroom, hating life. It is a gentle combination that helps soothes the stomach and aid in your diet  plans.

I throughly enjoyed using this tea.

Have you tried a “teatox,” comment below or connect with me on:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend 

