10 Travel Snacks


Traveling soon, choose one or all of our picks for simple and easy travel snacks.

1. A banana or apple with indivudal packets of peanut butter.

2. Store bought protein bars.

3. Bag of nuts, combination of your choice, peanuts, cashews, almonds with two dates.

4. Homemade Trail Mix, cranberries, chocolate chips, peanuts, raisins, coconut shards.

5. Bag of baby carrots and individual packet of hummus.

6.  A small bag of grapes with string cheese.

7.  Individual portion size of light popcorn. ( popped)

8. Rice cake with either individual packet or hummus or peanut butter.

9. Homemade or store bought granola.

10.  Orange with pretzels and cheese.

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