I don’t know if I am the only one but one of my favorite things to do besides folding hot laundry ( I know I am weird) is cleaning out and reorganizing my fridge, and pantry so starting this week I will start by sharing my top 5 tips for Spring cleaning my fridge and next I will share my tips for the pantry and so on!
I hope you find these tips as helpful as I do, as you know if you have read my Tuesday Tips aka modern day lifehacks before, I share them every Tuesday, I keep them short and sweet and I love hearing from you guys on what you would like to see next as well as sharing your own tips/ lifehacks so please feel free to comment below! I would love to hear from you!
5 Easy Steps To Spring Clean Your Fridge!
1.First Things First: Actually clean the fridge, take everything out and wipe down the shelves, drawers, built in containers!
2.Get Rid Of It: If something has been in your fridge longer than you can remember, toss it! With that remember to always check the expiration dates, look for mold, & use your sense of smell to make sure nothing has turned!
3.Give Yourself Some Space: By thinking up not out by using square stackable containers and don’t put unnecessary things into or back into the fridge, like unopened soda cans or condiments that are not open and don’t need to be refrigerated.
4.Remember The Freezer Is Your Friend Too: If you have fruit that is about to go old or you are about to go on a trip and don’t want to waste the food, toss the fruit and or vegetables, heck even uncooked meat, into a plastic baggy and place in the freezer to last long!
5.Have A Designated Places For Everything: Don’t let your fridge become a mess, having a specific place for your vegetables, fruits, eggs, etc. Makes everything not only easier to find but nicer to look at! Often times fridges come with built-in drawers for just this point and will have different temperature gages in them to best support what you put into them!
Ps if you are an organized freak like me, check out https://www.instagram.com/thehomeedit/ you will thank me later !