What to do With a Gift You No Longer Want

There are no guarantees when it comes to giving and receiving gifts. Most people try to put a lot of thought and consideration into finding an item perfectly suited for a person, however,they cannot get it right every time.

Picture the scene: It’s your birthday, and a dear friend has stopped by to bring you a gift. They usually have good taste and as such you are brimming with excitement as you tear off the elegant wrapping paper expecting to see something that will surely blow you away.

It does blow you away all right – but for all the wrong reasons. What peers back at you from the perfect floral wrapping paper is the most garish sweater you have ever seen in your life. It’s so ugly that you feel as though looking directly at it will cause you to go blind. It’s so old-fashioned that you wouldn’t wish this sweater even on your 90- year-old Grandma. In any case, you hate the thought of appearing rude or ungrateful and so you thank your friend for this stunning sweater and exclaim you cannot wait to wear it… Before later shoving it into the wardrobe never to see the light of day again, likely along with all of the other bad gifts that you’ve received over the years which you just feel too guilty to tell people that you don’t like.

There must be another way though right? If you carry on like this, your house is going to be bursting at the seams after accruing tons of unsuitable gifts after several years. There is another way. In fact, there are several as outlined below in this guide to getting rid of a gift that you no longer want.

Repackage it and Give it to Someone Else

What to do With a Gift

This could be risky depending on how forgetful you are. If you’re a bit of a clutz beware, because imagine the horror of repacking that garish sweater and giving it back to the same friend – it doesn’t bear thinking about! However, it’s always a shame to waste something and although you don’t like the sweater, you may have a friend or relative that thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread. Not to mention, this saves you a few pennies in terms of not having to pay out for another gift for someone on Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day or something else. It’s a win-win situation!

Take it to a Charity Shop or a Homeless Drive

Charity shops and homeless drives are always looking for donations and you may be surprised by the variety of things which they look for – everything but the kitchen sink in fact. So whether your unwanted gift is a clothing item, something edible, or some bath or cosmetic products then chances are, someone else will value them. Besides, what could be better than helping a good cause in this manner? Similarly, perhaps you could find a use for this gift elsewhere – i.e. maybe your workplace regularly hosts fundraisers or prize draws and the item (depending on what it is) could be useful for that.

Sell it Online

What to do With a Gift

If you know that there is absolutely no chance that you are going to use the gift you’ve been given, and you can’t think of another friend or relative that would appreciate it, then why not make a few extra dollars by selling it online? From electrical appliances to clothes and small gift sets, there’s a market for everything online these days. If you have been particularly unfortunate with the caliber of gifts you have been receiving then you could also combine several items together and sell them as a hamper style gift online (i.e. several toiletries or cosmetic products)

This is also a feasible method for returning something that perhaps you were on the fence about initially. Maybe you received an item, and you wore it or used it a couple of times, and you are now unable to return it to a store, however, have since concluded that you will not likely wear it again. Some items can fetch a decent amount of money, even once used – jewelry is a prime example of that, and there are plenty of places where you can sell your jewelry online.

Be Honest About it

Depending on your relationship with the gift giver and the price range of the gift then this could be an option. If you hate the toiletries set that someone got for you then maybe it’s not worth speaking out about it and potentially upsetting your loved one for something that was just a few dollars. On the other hand, if someone has bought you an expensive watch or some jewelry and you feel that it just isn’t you then it could be better to speak up. Don’t flat out say that you hate the item but discuss it with the person – the chances are that they will be happy you told them since no-one wants to spend a small fortune on something that is never going to be used or appreciated. Hopefully, your Pal has the receipt still handy, and so you can go together to change the item for something else.

Return it

Honesty can be the best policy with some gifts that you don’t like – except in instances where your friend has included the receipt or proof of purchase along with it. Perhaps they bought you an item of clothing, and they were not certain of the size, so they kept the sales details enclosed for your just in case – lucky you! This way you can return the item in exchange for something else that you will enjoy better and nobody’s feelings get hurt.

What have you done with a gift you haven’t liked or no longer need?


Evelyn Lopez

