Friday Finds: Lalicious


I have a confession to make, I love skin products, that might not be a shock to some of you who have seen my post before, where we have given away skin care products and other Friday Finds.  I  certainly have an obsession with beautiful soft, glowing skin.

The newest product that I have found and am absolutely in love with is, Lalicious. This skin care has amazing  scents like Sugar Lemon Blossom, Sugar Coconut, Brown Sugar Vanilla and this list goes on and on! Not only does it make you smell good the rest of the day, it makes your skin feel so smooth, it’s kind of addicting!

I love using the body scrub with the body and hand lotions, it just rounds everything out and leaves me to smelling and rubbing my skin for hours! THAT’S NOT WERID AT ALL!

Let’s be girlfriends:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend