Chocolate Filled Raspberries 


Okay, I’ll admit I have a sweet tooth! Phew, I feel much better now that is in the open. Having a constant sweet tooth, I try to find ways to satisfy my craving but don’t over indulge where I feel horrible about myself the next day. Just like our previous post with frozen grapes these little treats are sure to appease my cravings. It’s the perfect bite of sweet and tangy!


2-3 Cases of Raspberries

1 Bag Chocolate Chips

1 Bag White Chocolate Chips

Tip: If you are not going to eat Raspberries all at once just wash the amount desired. Other wise raspberries will go bad.



  1. Wash and Dry Raspberries.
  2. Place chocolate into Raspberries
  3. Either place in Ziploc bag or bowl covered.
  4. Place in Fridge, to let harden for about 30 minutes.
  5. Enjoy

Note: You will have some chocolate chips left over, don’t worry I am sure we can find a good use for them in another blog!

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T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend