Banana Peel Tooth Whiting


Using a banana peel to whiten your teeth? It actually works, just hear me out! I was a skeptic at first too, until I did my research and read up on the topic and decided that I would try it out.  Lucky for me, I enjoy banana’s and keep them on hand to make smoothies, baked goods, etc., so I started to use the peel of the banana to whiten my teeth. To my surprise after a couple tries of using the peel, my teeth became whiter.


What I would do is take the banana peel and rub my teeth with it for about 1-2 minutes and sit with the enzymes from the peel on my teeth for about 5 minutes. After that I would brush my teeth!

Beats going out and spending a fortune on those, whitening strips and the banana makes for a good snack ( look at me always thinking about food!)

Do you have an at home remedy for skin issue, share with us:

T: Moderndaygf 

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend