Tip Tuesday: Can’t Sleep? Helpful Tips For The Restless Sleeper.


I am known with my family and friends as the one who doesn’t sleep! I just can never seem to shut my mind off. After months of restless sleep, countless doctor visits and medication that never seemed to work, I took matters into my own hands. Here are my tips that have helped me sleep better through out the night.

1.    Make you bed when you wake up: Just that little bit, will make falling asleep much faster. Getting into a nicely made bed, creates a sense of calmness.

2.   Temperature:  Make sure your room is the perfect temperature. If the room is too hot, you will be tossing and turning all night. We love opening our window for fresh air. If you live in a cooler climate, heated blankets are our saving grace!  

3.   Movement- I try and move, walk, run, hike, dance, etc at least  30- 40 minutes everyday to get your blood pumping! Working your body out will relax it, making it that much easier to fall asleep. 

4.   Drink your caffeine in the mornings:  Try and stop your caffeine intake before 2 o’clock in the afternoon. You would be surprised how much that afternoon cup of Joe will leak over into your sleep pattern.

5.    Take a warm shower or bath: Take a hot shower or warm bath at night. Create a zen and spa-like atmosphere by dimming the lights and using scented bath salts. Close your eyes and just breathe. You then will almost melt into your bed and calmly fall asleep. 

6.   Shut down: Turn off or unplug your electronics. There have been recent studies that have showed the light from your cellphone, computers and even TV’s can stimulate your brain not allowing your mind to turn off and reach the realm sleep we all dream for!

7.  Tea: Pick a calming one, like peppermint or chamomile.  

What are your remedies for falling asleep? Share with us at:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


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