Okay! I will admit I like looking at a nice sweaty “sculpted” body at the gym just like anyone else does but when I am trying to do bicep curls at my gym and Mr. Macho to my right is lifting up his shirt and making a duck face in the mirror while picking out the perfect Instagram filter that esentuates his core I can’ help but think dumbbells > dumb ass.
Yes, we should all take care and pride in our bodies, they’re the only ones we have but I am sure Mr. Macho man will come across another mirror in his day. Please do this in the privacy of your own bathroom or mirror or you more than likely will be on someone’s at the gyms snapchat story so gentleman here are 5 things us ladies are thinking when you stick a pose at the gym.
- Snapchat
2. Dumbells > Dumb Asses
3. Listen Honey!
4. OO Honey BOO BOO Please!
5. Truffle Shuffle!!!

Photo google
How do you workout?