I have shared this thought many times on my social media before, I truly believe just like any other part of your body that is covered in skin, the skin that is on your faces changes with or gets affected by the weather. I am a believer in changing up your skin routine to keep your skin not only feeling the best but looking the best. One of the biggest ways I change up my skin routine is by going the more organic, natural ways. That way I know what I am putting on and in my skin. I love good ole’ beauty DIY!
That’s why for today’s tip Tuesday I am sharing my 5 All Natural Ways To Change Up Your Beauty Routine.
1.Clean your make up brushesReusable: With hot water and coconut oil. You will place about a teaspoon of coconut oil in the hot water, the temperature will melt it. Place your brush into the water, move it around and on a towel, you will rub the brush into it is clean of makeup. You may have to dip it into the mixture a few times depending on how often you clean your brushes. You will want to let your brushes, dry overnight.
2.Clear acne up with Tea Tree Oil:
All you will need to do it dab a very small amount on the affected area.
Place one to two spoons in a freezer or rub ice cubes around your eyes, etc. Not the ice will melt in your hand or you can place it in a baggie.
4. Exfoliate scrub: Combine coconut oil and sugar in a small bowl, and stir to combine. Rub sugar mixture on your face.
How to Make the Mixture.
Combine coconut oil and sugar in a small bowl, and stir to combine. Rub sugar face scrub into clean facial or neck skin, using gentle circular motions, for 60 seconds. Rinse dry with warm water.
5. DIY Face Mask:
For Mild to Moderate Acne-Prone Skin
1 mashed banana
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
This mask helps promotes skin-cell turnover, helps kill off any acne-causing bacteria and absorbs excess oil on your skin. ( If found this mask on Pinterest and tried it. It worked for my skin! PLEASE remember to listen to your skin, if it burns, irritates you to no return take it off with cold water!
If you are not looking to make your own DIY natural beauty products here are so of my favorite brands! Just click on the product you find interesting!