3 Yoga Moves That Help Cure A Hangover

Photo| yogatraveltree.com
Whether it’s just another Friday night or you’re gearing up for some holiday party shennanigans don’t count out yoga as another helper to cure those hangover blues. I’m not saying don’t go for that large breakfast burrito but try getting your blood flowing without the help of Jack, Titos, Don Julio or “chicita” Corona and spread the air flow with these 3 yoga hangover helpers!
Post Inspired by Organic Life Magazine| This post may have affiliate links.
Yoga Move 1: Supine Twist
Did you dance all night? If you answered yes than this yoga move is perfect for you. It helps open your lower back and stretch your glutes. Trust me your hips won’t lie with this move!
You don’t even need to get out of bed for this yoga move. By putting your legs up against the wall this yoga move helps relieve your tired legs, calms your mind down and helps destress you from what you think you might have done last night. ( Don’t check your texts messages!)
What are some of your favorite yoga moves? Comment below or tag me in your post!