Getting Mixed Signals? 11 Tips To Understanding How To Deal With Them.

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Has this ever happened to you? You had an amazing date, he said he would like to see you again, and he will call, but he never did? Or has your sizzling relationship cooled down out of nowhere, but he still wants to make it work? Or did he randomly make a comment that made you stop and re-evaluate where you two stand?
I know I’ve been there before and been left feeling a bit confused and somewhat at a loss. Trying to understand where he was emotionally sent me through a tail spin of consuming thoughts and overwhelming self doubt. Realizing this wasn’t a healthy road to go down, I began to learn and navigate my way through his mixed signals. That’s why if you have ever found yourself like me and you are at a fork in the road with your guy, here are my simple ways to help lead you back home.
Don’t jump to conclusions:
Remember what they taught you in grade school? Don’t assume anything because it makes an “ass out of you and me”( Ass/U/ME). We are often tempted to read into everything, but try not to. We never truly know what is going on in someone else’s mind, so don’t waste too much energy on trying to figure it out. If the person wants to tell you, they will.
Let time do what it needs. Give the person some room and time to get their feelings in order. Neither one of you want to react on anger, sadness, etc.
It’s Not You:
More than half of the time your partner’s reactions or emotions have nothing to do with you, so try and not take it so personally.
Believe Them:
Give him the benefit of the doubt until he convinces you otherwise.
He Has A Life Too:
Remember he is a person with a past, emotions, and a life too. Sometimes what is bothering him is not stemming from something you did, but from other circumstances in his life.
Don’t Nag:
Don’t be demanding and say things like,“ what’s wrong, where were you, and why didn’t you call?” You wouldn’t want someone treating you in that manner, so why treat your partner that way?

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You’re Only Responsible For You:
You can’t control your partners reaction, but you can control how you react and the way you speak to them. Make sure to keep your side of the street clean and not instigate an even larger problem.
Be Direct:
Without being to pushy or needy, know what is bothering you and state it in a clear way.
Be Confident:
Having confidence in who you are as a person and a partner creates an extreme sense of attractiveness.
Live Realistically Ever After:
Often times when starting a relationship we tend to put this new found “love” into a fairytale realm in our head. I am not saying you should’t enjoy each other, but see the relationship for what it really isn’t what you want it to be.
Step Away:
If you can’t shake the feelings, know when you have to walk away. Always remember what you deserve.
Do You Have Any Tips?
T: Moderndaygf
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