What About Me:


Are you in that stage of your life where you look around and all your friends are in relationship and are either getting married or having babies?!  If you answered YES than keep reading! This post is to let you know that you are not alone, even though in your group of friends it might seem like you are, there is  a whole group of women who feel your “pain.”

First things first, don’t let being the “single one” in the group define you. Be social, fun, outgoing, go out to dinner with your friend and her fiancé- chances are he might have a single friend of his own. (Friends setting up friends, that’s a whole different blog post, we will save that for later! ) Even if he doesn’t you still get to spend time with your friend, which gets harder to do once they get “tied down,” so enjoy it!

Try and remember that your twenties are about finding yourself and what you love. Your thirties are about finding someone to share it with. Yes, some people are able to find it earlier than others but just because their life turned out a certain way doesn’t mean that your “fairytale” won’t have a happy ending.

Take note to what is going on around you, be present, loving and supportive at your friends  new and exciting ventures in their lives. Look at it as you have  you have something to look forward to.  Take their experiences as a cheat sheet of things you would want, don’t want, would do, wouldn’t do, of course with out judgment. There is always a way to turn a negative into a positive.

Don’t try and rush through your life because it seems that other peoples lives are moving faster, you only one life to live enjoy it on your own time, your life will work out the way it supposed to.


Are your friends getting married or having babies? How do you feel about it? Comment below !

You are beautiful and worthy,


The Modern Day Girlfriends

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