My husband will tell you I love broccoli, like LOVE broccoli! Sometimes I have even put it into my smoothies!
Not only is Broccoli rich in iron, folic acid and antioxidants it is packed with Vitamin C which has been known to help with fertility by aiding in the process of ovulation and brings about maturation of eggs.
Today’s blog post is all about broccoli and delicious ways to enjoy it during your TTC journey!
Pasta Broccoli
One of my favorites, I ate this all the time as a kid, it is very nostalgic to me and I hope during my pregnancy/ pregnancies I crave this!
Steamed or Roasted Broccoli
I have this maybe 3 times away week! I just love it as a side!
Broccoli Tots
This has to be one of the most invent ways I have enjoyed Broccoli and I have to share it because they are so delicious they are also a great way to get kids to eat their vegetables!

Recipe + Photo
Broccoli Soup
Wonderful cold or warm, I love the earthiness of this soup.

Photos + Recipes