I am a huge fan of spinach, always have been always will be! You can toss it in a smoothie, sauté it in some oil, make a salad, or mix it up in pasta or some other veggies, heck even in an omelette. There are so many ways to enjoy this superfood but today I am only sharing four!
Why did I choose to highlight spinach for this weeks, Friday Fertility Foodie is because spinach is a fertility superfood. Spinach is known to be packed with iron, folate, and zinc. These minerals are essential to preconception, studies have shown that a lack of iron may result in poor egg health or lack of ovulation.
Below are four of my favorite ways to incorporate spinach in your TTC Diet
In a Smoothie
Grab the recipe here
Sautéed Spinach
Grab the recipe here
In a Pasta
Grab the recipe here
A Salad
Easy and delicious way to get spinach in, in your salad. Top it with some of your favorite things, dress it and enjoy!