Ways to Incorporated Walnuts in Your TTC Diet

I will be the first to say that I hated walnuts, like truly despised them but once I learned how beneficial they are to your overall health not only your fertility, I was sold!  Like the fact that walnuts are an incredible source of omega-3 fats and vitamin E both great for fertility and not to mention packed with B vitamins, fiber and protein!

I first started by putting walnuts into meals where the walnut itself wouldn’t be so pronounced. After a few weeks of eating them that way I actually started just going into our pantry and eating them raw! I have to say I have converted and now I am a fan of walnuts.

Ways to Incorporated Walnuts in Your TTC Diet


Ways to Incorporated Walnuts in Your TTC Diet

Photo & Recipe realfoodwholelife.com

Grab the recipe here 

Stir Fry

Ways to Incorporated Walnuts in Your TTC Diet

Photo & Recipe delish.com

Grab the recipe here 


Ways to Incorporated Walnuts in Your TTC Diet

Photo & Recipe simplyunbeetable.com

Grab the recipe here 

 Salad & Soup Topping.

Ways to Incorporated Walnuts in Your TTC Diet

Photo & Recipe houseofnasheats.com

Grab the recipe here