The Waiting Game: Who Texts First!?

for photos MDGF

The age old question, (well since cell phone were invited) do you text him first or do you wait for him to text you? Does the two-day rule still apply or are you just making up excuses for him? All these questions seem to be running through your head, you had a perfect date, everything seemed to be going fine and the next day radio silence. Do you take it as a personal dig or just move on?

Let’s discuss and start with the one simple rule that we all need to remember, everyone is different in how they deal with their emotions. Some are more out going than others and some are more reserved. Just because you would deal with a situation one way doesn’t mean your date will do the same.

Even though the times have change do we as women still hold men accountable for making the first move. Call me old school but, I sure think so. I often wonder why that is thought process is drilled into my head? Is it the fear of not wanting to seem needy or the feeling of being needed by someone?

“If he likes me he would, call or text. RIGHT?!”

Here we are waiting with the butterflies in our stomach, glancing over at our phone, waiting for a notification. There are a couple scenarios we can play here, you can continue with the butterflies and wait for him to text you & if he does than you know that he too had a good time, play it cool and see where it goes. If he doesn’t text but you have this pull that makes you want to at least try and contact him, we say wait on it for a bit. Sometimes acting on impulse isn’t the best decision. If you still feel like you want to reach out after a couple hours or the next day, do it. If he doesn’t respond or if short with his response, move on, delete his number.

What would you do, comment below !

You are beautiful and worthy,


The Modern Day Girlfriends 

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