Watch Your Tone When You’re Speaking to Me!


In a society that is run by instant communication, it seems to be that we have not only lost a sense of connection, but also communication. We have become so used to having a conversations through texts or emails that having a conversation on the phone has become a hassle or time consuming. We get it, there are pros and cons to communicating in such ways, but the one thing that no text message or email can convey is the tone in which you are speaking.

Let’s be honest, have you ever had a conversation via text and the whole conversation goes south because the tone of which you are trying to convey your message is taken completely the wrong way? Like we stated before in our blog post, Dating In The Social Media Age , relationships are harder in face to face conversations, and arguments  are now texts, while emotional feelings have become subliminal messages online. We often tend to hide behind the black and white of the screen, that we don’t let the person in on the real meaning behind the message. 

Not being able to hear the tone in which the words are being spoken makes it easier for a person to back track. It gives them away out of it, if the instantly regret what they said or they just don’t really want to deal with the situation. At the end of the day it is better to have meaningful conversation in person or over the phone.

Although phone conversation comes with their own cons, if it is the only way you can communicate with the person than do it, don’t leave it to a text. Have the conversation and let it be, don’t leave anything up to chance.

Let us know what you think and share your stories,

T: Moderndaygf 
F: The Modern Day Girlfriend  
P: The Modern Day Girl Friend