Photo via rebelcircus.com
Is Casper the only friendly ghost left? This little pun hit me the other night when I was out to drinks with one of my girlfriends. She told me about this guy she met off a dating app and how they hit it off. Everything seemed to be going fine and then nothing. She asked, “Am I being ghosted?”
Ghosting is when someone suddenly stops all communication with the person they are dating without any reasoning. As we sat there and ordered another round with a heavy pour, I realized my friend’s story confirms my point about the iPhone becoming the next “little black book” of our generation. The use of mobile devices such as an iPhone allows for too many dating options. Why would I want to settle if I have endless possibilities at my fingertips? Not getting what you want from the person sitting across the table? Maybe the person down the street can give it to you.
We are one swipe away from making someone’s heart disposable and although the idea behind ghosting is nothing new when it comes to dating, the way we have gone about it is. In our so called digital generation we are all on Tinder, Bumble, and Okcupid. Dating apps, as well as, online dating sites have capitulated this idea of lack of communication to a whole new realm, making the “we need to talk” and “it’s me not you” conversations irrelevant. Gone are the days of picking up the phone to talk it out or sending flowers to show your remorse. We are so connected to our phones, knowing that a person is purposely not responding can be extremely hurtful to anyone. I will tell you like I told my girlfriend, a guy’s silence is not a reflection on you.
Waiting to receive a text back pulls our focus away from ourselves. We must remember our self-worth, our beauty, our inner strength, and what we have to offer. Let’s not waste it on someone who isn’t worth our time. Instead, let a situation like this fuel you to not settle until you are treated with the same respect you give. There is someone out there for you, I promise, right Casper?
Have you ever been ghosted or been the ghostee?
T: Moderndaygf