Simple and Easy Ways To Keep In Contact With Your Friends.


Being a Modern Day Girlfriend doesn’t only mean being a  good “girlfriend” to  your significant other but also to your friends. We wanted to take a moment to discuss the importance of making time for your friends. Single or not, it is important to remember to connect to the people that have made you who you are today.



We are all guilty of it, we either graduate college or leave our hometown, not only leaving the memories but the people behind. We all have this fantasy that we will keep in touch and everything will be like the movies, than real life kicks in and poof, time flies! Jobs, overtaking every breathing moment and if you’re  in a relationship you fill the moments of “coming up for air” with your partner.  Forget about time for yourself which is a whole other post, so let’s get back on track here.

The good thing is , you’re not alone. How do you find the time to remain in contact with those certain friends, well first things first, if you want someone in your life they will be in it, you will find the time to reach out and make the time, friendships take effort there is no way around it. Even Bridget & I at MDGF make a point to calendar in lunch or a pedicure. 

The great thing about being a modern day girlfriend is there are so many ways to keep in contact now, below we have put a list together of simple and meaningful ideas to let your friends know you are thinking about them, wether they live close or far away.

1. Grab a drink or Dinner ( live in another state, schedule wine night and pop a bottle and Skype each other)

2.  Write a letter, there is something really meaningful about a hand written letter.

3.  Schedule a trip,  together or a group of friends once a year.

4.  Watch TV together, have a favorite TV show you watch tougher or talk about after it’s aired.

5. Book club, doesn’t matter if it is just you two!

6. Shoot them a text, letting them know you are thinking about them.

However, you choose to stay in contact remember the importance of keeping those connections for your soul!

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Because every pair of best friends has the, ” I’m cool” photo hahah..

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