Signs You Found Your  Modern Day Prince Charming


“Where did all the good guys go? What happened to calling for a date? Why isn’t he texting back?” These are all questions I have been asked by numerous girlfriends who are trying to navigating their way through dating in the digital age.

My response is, “Today men have more ways to find love than ANY generation before them.” It is safe to say that the IPhone has become the new little black book of the modern day, creating more options to finding love than ever before. This type of instant gratification has changed the dating game as we know it. With a swipe of a fingertip the possibilities are endless.”

Judging from my own experiences with dating digitally, I have come to find that the men I have started to date off of these dating apps aren’t really interested in “DATING at the moment. ” WAIT WHAT! You’re not interested in dating at right now?

“Why are you on a dating app dude? I shaved my legs my legs for this date!”

Regardless of those dating disasters what happens when you meet a guy that is looking for something  more than a good time. Below I have put together a “checklist” of 10 ways you have found your modern day prince charming.

Fairytale Disclaimer:  We all have our flaws NO man is perfect, NO person is perfect, we must be willing to acknowledge our flaws and be better because of them- not only for ourselves, but also for our realistically ever after.

  • He Calls You: He wants to hear your voice. You can tell a lot about a person by their tone of voice and how they respond to you. You loose a big part of “connecting” to a person when you text.
  • See How He Treats His Mother: If he has a good relationship with his mother that is a great sign! Granted, you don’t want a mama’s boy, but you also don’t want to be with someone who doesn’t respect their mother. If he is caring and loving towards her then more than likely his kindness will be directed towards you as well.
  • He Has Manners:  This goes hand in hand with how he treats his mother. Seemingly, she raised him to be polite and courteous to a woman. He opens the door for you, pulls out your chair, and doesn’t wear shorts and sandals to meet your father! (OOO, IT’S HAPPENED TO ME!)
  • He Doesn’t Expect You To Pay: He pays for things even though you offer to pay. Let him, but also make sure from time to time you return the favor.
  • Has Goals In Life: Whether they are big or small goals, he has visions for his life and he wakes up each day to get that much closer to them.
  • He Is Passionate: He is passionate about where he wants to take his life and hopefully you along with him.
  • Confident: Not only in himself, but also in your relationship. He has trust and encourages your independence.
  • Lets You Know He Is Thinking About You: Whether it is a phone call or a text throughout the day, he takes a moment to let you know that you are on his mind.
  • He Is Proud To Be With You: He talks about how happy he is with you to his friends and family. Also, whether you are out in public or home alone, he will find ways just to stay connected, holding your hand, kissing you on the cheek, etc.
  • He Is Understanding:  Not only is he understanding of his own emotional triggers, but also he is understanding of yours. That is HUGE!

What does your modern day prince charming look like?

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend