Quick Guide To Turning Your Bad Day, Good In 8 Steps

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We have all been there before, those days that seem to never end or you wonder how the day even started off so bad. We ALL have bad days but it is how we deal with them that defines the outcome of our days ahead.
I have been faced with my fair share of “bad days” and I know that I will be confronted with them again. However, I know when I encounter those types of days I try my best to “shake it off,” like the wise Taylor Swift once said. I know it is easier said than done but I really try to implement my 8 go to steps to help turn my day around.
On the days that seem like nothing is going right, we have to remember that they always do. We might not see it in the moment but in time it all begins to make sense, so if you’re having a bad day give these 8 easy steps to turning your bad day, good a try!
I have found that either all or simply just one of these easy “steps” have helped me turn my day around. I know we’re all different and what might work for me won’t work for you but at least you know you are not alone. Everyone is allowed a few or more bad days in their lifetime!
Here at The Modern Day Girlfriend, we are here to create a community, to share, support and encourage one another to help live our most authentic lives and to find our voice!
What are some things you do to change your bad day into a good day? Comment below!
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8 Easy Steps, Quick Guide To Turning Your Bad Day, Good.
1.Make a list of things you’re grateful for: I know I have mentioned this before here The Modern Day Girlfriend along with on my social feeds and Instagram stories but it sure does help! You begin to focus on the positive and not the negatives!

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2.Listen to a feel good song: I do this on my way to the gym, at the gym and on my way back from the gym! Regardless if you are working out or not press the play button. Let yourself go and get lost in the music. Let your mind wander and your feet dance!

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3. Be Playful: Go for a walk by yourself or with your pet, spend a little extra time playing around with them. Don’t have a pet go to a rescue, and offer to walk or play with an animal. Being active and catching some sun for at least 15 minutes a day is a great way to boost the serotonin levels in your brain and hanging with a cute animal just makes everything better, doesn’t it?

Photo | Health Magazine
4. Go hug someone: Hugs are a magical thing. Have you ever had the moment when you feel so down and someone asks,
” Is something wrong, can I do something to help?”
Your immediate response is,
“Can I just have a hug.”
A hug can make a bad day better jus knowing you have someone in your corner.

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5. Go do something nice for someone else: You will be amazed at how helping others actually ends up helping you.

Photo | The Odyssey Online
6. Take time for you: Disconnect from all social media at least for an hour. RECHARGE YOUR SOUL by focusing on only you, take a walk, take some deep breaths and just BE!

Photo | Fablife31
7. Connect: Call an old friend or family member, you haven’t talked to in awhile and catch up! Find someone who won’t let you get away with ranting about the negative but someone who cheers you on!

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8. Laugh and laugh a lot: Look up funny youtube videos or watch your favorite comedy when you get home and just LAUGH!
They say laughter is the best medicine!

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