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“He liked a photo on Instagram, but hasn’t texted me back what the EFF,” my girlfriend said as her patience wore thin waiting for the guy she has been talking with to respond back to her text. When I asked her what the issue was she said, “if he has the time to go on Instagram, shouldn’t he have the time to text me back?” I sat there wondering the following:

“I don’t know what’s worse. That he didn’t text her back, or that she is creeping his Instagram so hard!”


“Yes, she is right. It takes just as long as it would to scroll through and like a Instagram post as it would to write a text message.”

And finally

“What does it matter? How have we become so attached to apps that we have allowed them to dictate our emotions?”

Look, I am guilty of insta-creeping myself. I’m not perfect, far from perfect, but when I have caught myself scrolling through a guys feed, I have to stop and ask myself why? Why does this person have that power over me? Is it because I care about him, I want to feel connected, or because I can?

Whatever the case may be, I told my friend my thoughts which were that we shouldn’t allow an application to define a relationship, friendship or a connection with someone.  In a society of instant gratification, we must remember technology can have glitches, just like humans. If he missed your text, but gets a hold of you later, don’t fret about it. If ignoring your texts becomes an on-going thing, then let’s talk later, but till then just enjoy each other’s company face to face, skin to skin, but not through your phone!

Do you find yourself Instacreep:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend