modern day girlfriend why he isn't texting you back

It’s the age old question, well maybe this generations question of, “Why isn’t he returning my texts? ” In other words,why is he ignoring me?

Ladies, I’m not trying to paint the damsel in distressed look here because we ignore men too but today I wanted to focus on men not returning women’s textual advances. ( See what I did there? Sometimes I think I am funnier than I am.)

Does any of  this sound familiar or make sense? If so here might be some reasons  that he’s playing the quite game.

1. Space: Just like you need your space from time to time so does your guy. Remember you both had lives before each other this is not to say to continue living separate lives but alone time or space isn’t always a bad thing it’s actually very helpful and healthy for a relationship. Let him have the space and time to miss you.

2. Time: He might just need sometime to think, maybe you recently got into a fight and he just needs some time to digest what happened and how he feels about it or maybe something happened at work, with his friends or family and he just needs time to process it all, that’s okay, don’t press him about it, he will come to you when he is ready.

3. He Wants You To Miss Him: Maybe you have spent a lot of time together lately or he is just wanting you to pay attention to him a little bit more, remember girls we aren’t the only ones being courted. You have to also make him feel wanted and desired as well.

4. He’s Busy: He is just plain busy and no it isn’t just an excuse. Work has got him down and he is just trying to keep his head above water. Let him have the space to get what he needs done, he will come back around.

5. He’s Scared: Believe it or not guys can be scared of falling in love too, they have a past, they’ve had a broken heart, they might not be as open as the next guy to jump right in to a relationship let alone admit they have feelings. They don’t want to be hurt or hurt you.  They know it sucks to have your heart broken so they just want to go about it slowly more often than not because they really like you and don’t want to do anything to mess it up!

6. He Is Just Not That Into You: Has it been days or weeks and you haven’t heard from him but you see he has posted on his social media? It’s safe to say move on! It has nothing to do with you but him, you want someone who wants you! Close that door and say, ” Bye FELCIA!”

Remember this isn’t giving him a pass or saying it is okay to “ignore” you  but I do have to  say I  have noticed that in today’s society we tend to go straight to the worst conclusion than just breathing and taking the time to look at the situation for what it really is. Everything will work out the way it is supposed to!

Why do you think he is remaining silent, comment below or tag me in your socials!

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