Three Simple Ways to Start a Texting Conversation and Keep It Going: It’s interesting how texting has become such an important part of communication in any relationship now a days. The rules of dating have changed from waiting two days to call a girl on her land line to sending a text message to come over for “Netflix and Chill” as an invitation for the first date.

You exchanged numbers and you don’t know if you should text him first or not, sound familiar? It does to me. What do you do when you’re starring at your blank screen wondering what to say?

Whether you are going to make the first move or wait for him to text you, remember that your first intial interactions help set the tone of the banter between the two of you moving forward. Be engaging, grab his attention, and make him crave more than just your message. Here are three simple tricks that I use to get the conversation started and to keep it going.

1. Be Engaging: Intrigue them, grab their attention with something that sparks their interest. Whether it is a flirty question, an inside joke, a funny meme, or a YouTube video grab, you want to open with something that warrants a response back.

2. Remember It’s A Two Way Street: Just like engaging the person, you will want to keep the conversation open and light. Ask flirty questions or even suggest a naughty, yet nice game of 20 questions.

3. Color in The Pages: Just because texts are in black and white, okay for some of us blue and grey depending on your mobile device, your messages can still tell a colorful story. Don’t make it long and pointless, but help their imagination run wild with your vivid descriptions.

WhatAre Some Of Your Texting Tips?

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend 


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Girls: Missmuse
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