Guys — there’s nothing quite like a first date, is there? Your nerves are on a new level of high-strung, you’re unbearably hopeful for the promise of a budding romance, and ever-fearful of the many things that can go wrong: food stuck in your teeth, sweat marks the size of Olympic pools, awkward silences that seem to last for an eternity.
Some of these things are largely out of your control, but you know what you can be sure of? That you look (and smell) irresistible. I’ve written before about how difficult it can be to snag that second date, but these grooming tips will help ensure that you make a great first impression — step numero uno to getting a yes for date numero dos.
Guys, Got a Date? Don’t Go Until You’ve Read These 5 Grooming Tips
1. Shave The Right Way
Your face is the first part of you your date will take in. Eyes, smile, and the presence or absence of facial hair. I know beards are in, and I don’t mean to suggest you need to bring back your baby face, but you need to keep things clean and kempt.
If you’re pro-beard and attached to your bristles, show them some love with a high-quality beard oil. Beardbrand carries a collection of oils made with specific ingredients proven to help condition your hair without irritation. Pro tip: a great beard oil can double as a subtle scent, so you can (and should) forego cologne. It’s just too easy to overdo.
If you are up for a clean shave, it’s important to avoid some common mistakes, including not prepping your skin, improperly navigating your grain pattern, and using shave products with irritating ingredients.
Prep your skin by taking a hot shower to allow the steam to soften the outer layer of your hair, and when shaving, go with the grain during your first pass through. Then, go against it. Doing it this way will help reduce tugging. When it comes to products, in addition to quality razors, Harry’s has a complete pre- and post-shave set made without synthetic fragrances (known irritants) and with skin-calming ingredients like aloe and eucalyptus.

2. Skip The Cologne
I know I talked about this already, but it really bears repeating. It is so easy to spray too much cologne, or to pick a scent that can be off-putting, and just like that you’ve already squashed your first impression from a few feet away. Again, opt instead for alternatives like a lightly-scented beard oil, or simply rely on a nicely-scented deodorant or body wash (big fan of this Dusk-scented deo).
If you are really confident about your cologne and want to wear it anyway, make sure everything else you use — beard oil, body wash, deodorant — is unscented so they don’t conflict. If you aren’t sure about how your chosen fragrance comes off, ask a friend who isn’t afraid to be honest with you.
3. Choose Clothing Wisely
When picking your outfit, keep color and fabric in mind. Choose something people have said is flattering on you, but no matter how much you love that gray shirt, it will betray you, so err on the side of this-will-not-show-my-sweat.
As for fabric, high-quality cotton is the way to go. The British know a thing or two about this, and these dress shirts from T.M.Lewin are breathable and fit nicely underneath a jacket or blazer — and I definitely recommend layering. This way, you can cover up any sweat that may end up showing, and you’ll be prepared with a charming, old-fashioned offer if your date gets chilly.
4. Start Early
Give yourself more than the night-of to prep. It’s probably time for a fresh haircut, so book an appointment with a trusted barber the week of. This way, you’ll have a nice new ‘do, but not so new that you haven’t had time to live in it a bit. Your barber can also show you how much hair product or pomade to use — another thing to make sure you don’t overdo.
It’s also a good idea to give your skin a nice exfoliating treatment beforehand, but since exfoliating is naturally a bit irritating, do this a few days prior to date night so your skin isn’t red and inflamed. If you have sensitive skin, opt for something low on the abrasive scale, like a basic microfiber face cloth.
5. Don’t Overlook Minor Details
By minor details, I mean nail-size small. There’s always those last minute things you almost forget to do, so here’s a friendly reminder. Don’t forget to trim those talons and make sure they’re clean of any dirt and debris. To be on the safe side, cut your toenails too — even if only for some added peace of mind.
Pop in a breath mint and pack some for later, but here’s a tip — don’t finish the whole mint. You want to stave off bad breath, but you don’t want your date to get a whiff of the expectation of a kiss. Make sure you have your wallet, and turn your phone on silent. Basically, imagine common mood killers, and kill them first.
Above all, remember your date agreed to hang out with you! Let that give you the confidence you need to be yourself.