
I  just finished the book ” Why Men Love Bitches,” by Sherry Argov, a fantastic funny and relatable read. She discusses the topic of  creating your own independence when it comes to men and relationships.

From not sleeping with a man on the first date to simply creating time between receiving his text and replying to it. Sherry shares her insight to modern day dating with great authority and loads of humor. A page turner, Sherry had me thinking,  so I asked my girlfriends what are somethings they do trying to pass the time when responding to his texts.

Yes, we all have jobs and lives but my girlfriends and I can relate to the fact that more often than not, a guy we like will text us when we don’t have a million things on our plate. Not wanting to seem eager or to excited to hear from him or even worse  have nothing going on. ( Insert: Me sitting on the couch with my sweatpants on and Ben & Jerry’s by my side) we try to play it cool, giving time in between texts.

It seems now more than ever there is an art to texting when you single and dating in the digital age.  Have you done any of the below? Let me know, I hope you find some humor and ideas in my list below.

  1. Go take a shower
  2. Clean your room
  3. Empty the dishwasher, no dishes to clean, sweep the kitchen floor.
  4. Write a hand written, thinking about you letter to someone you haven’t seen in awhile.
  5. Text your best friend.
  6. Go grab drinks
  7. Do an out homework out, 5 minute plank, 5 minute of squats, so on and so on.
  8. Watch an episode of your favorite nextflix show, 3 hours later you will be golden.
  9. Visit your favorite blog.
  10. Turn on the news.
  11. Clean out your closet, you know you need to!
  12. Make a snack
  13. Take a walk around the block or maybe 5!
  14. Start reading that book you asked for, for Christmas.
  15. Take a bath.
  16. Turn your phone on silent and leave it in your room, come back after you finished 1-4.
  17. Do a load of laundry.
  18. Read the trending news articles
  19. Paint your nails & wait for them to dry!
  20. Call your mom! ( or dad, sister, grandparents, friend from high school.)
  21. Live your life!

What are somethings you do?

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend