Photo via tipsofdivorce.com
Whatever happen to the days when a guy actually picked up a phone to ask a girl out on a date?
Call me old fashion but receiving a text, “Sup” want to go out Wednesday night for dinner?” doesn’t really entice me to go through the whole routine of Shampooing and blow drying my hair, shaving my legs, getting a mani/pedi, tweezing my eyebrows and rummaging through my closet for the perfect outfit. When the “sup, line” doesn’t work the ‘classic shirtless selfie’ comes along.
Do guys think that seeing a picture of their bare chest with their pants pulled down so low around their pelvic bone will actually make us turned on? To see this stuff at this point is entirely too personal. Do they feel that this is really going to get a girl all excited and JUMP at the chance and say, “Yes, cause I gotta get me some of that”! And now that I saw him half naked and I have never even heard his voice does he expect to sleep with me on the first date? I get that same “Eww” factor when I am walking down the street and a guy whistles at you from his car!
Let’s face it, no wife has ever said, “ I met my husband when he whistled at me from his car as I walked down the street.”
I have been debating to post the selfies I have received for this MDG article, and even though it would be nice eye candy to stare at, I think I will just save them for the book ;)!
However, I can tell you that one of my favorite approaches was done by a guy that I met at the gym. He was really handsome and seemed nice. I’m sure he actually is, but he invited me out on a date with a picture of him lying in bed with his TV in the background and asked “Wanna come over and watch a movie?”
Guys,it’s not cute, sexy or enticing, no does it help your cause. You know what happens to those selfies? They pop up on girls night as we sip wine and compare chest, yours not ours.
Look, I get the whole selfie-chest thing if you are in relationship with someone but not when you are trying to get that first date.
Make her feel that chivalry is not dead. For Gods sake pick up the phone and call her. If she says yes, bring flowers, open her door, pull out her chair, tell her she looks nice, but please don’t “selfie” your self up for disaster by sending a pre- chest “ look at what you can have” photo. It doesn’t work and is a complete turn off.
Women, don’t let them get away with it either, yes their pecks might be nice and you might want to lick an ice cube and run a tongue up and down their toned muscular chest with arms to die for but don’t! WAIT, If you are really looking for that special someone don’t play into this game just yet, let them know your self worth. It’s okay to want to be treated like you and your feelings matter.
So gentlemen next time you ask a woman out, remember to order a side of charm, and hold the selfie.
Do you have a selfie story, let us know below, we would love to check them out.
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T: Moderndaygf
Does this really happen, regularly? Like its a common thing?!!!