
Inspirational Quotes

5 Inspirational Quotes: Break Ups Heart breaking, feeling like it won't ever get better? Want to know a secret it will! Recently I have found some wonderful quotes that have  not only helped me but [...]

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation Happy Monday, I hope you all have a beautiful start to your week! Here are five more things I do to stay motivated through out my week. I hope they inspire you as [...]

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation I am changing things up for this Monday Motivation. Today, I wanted to share 5 tools I use to start my week off on a positive and productive way. I will be sharing [...]

When Loving Yourself Is Enough

When Loving Yourself Is Enough:Why I Don’t Want To Find My Forever, Today.   “She was in love, but not in love with someone or something, she was in love with her life. And for the [...]

Monday Motivation

Motivation Monday Here are some quotes that have helped me, start off my week! I hope you enjoy and find them as useful as I do! Let's motivate each other, tag us T: Moderndaygf F: The Modern [...]

It’s Not You It’s Me.

It's Not You It's Me. Let's be honest, no one really likes to admit if they were wrong especially when it comes to love. Sometimes taking ownership in the "downfall"  of the relationship can be [...]

Monday Motivation

Modern Motivational Monday Quotes   Motivate one another: T: Moderndaygf F: The Modern Day Girlfriend  I:Moderndaygf P: The Modern Day Girl Friend   

Monday Motivation

Modern Day Motivational Mondays If you can’t tell, we here at the Modern Day Girlfriend are big on inspiring, encouraging and motivating not only women but everyone to live to their fullest potential. We wanted [...]

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