Break Up Quotes: Monday Motivation

Another weekend has come and gone and it’s Monday, yet again! Sometimes Monday’s can bring the weight of the world with them and others can bring new opportunity and change when you least expect it.

Over the past week I have been drawn to some relationships quotes that have really hit home one way or another. Whether it is remembering my inner strength or reminding myself why I broke up with my ex in the first place the quotes below reminded me that everything will be okay, they empowered me, inspired me and most importantly made me believe in me and my choices. Regardless of where you are emotionally in your life, I hope that one of these quotes speak to you and move you like they did me. I hope you enjoy this weeks Monday Motivation Quotes. Have a great rest of your week.



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Make You Laugh:


What are some of your favorite Monday Motivation quotes, tag us!

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend