Best Friend Date Ideas

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Going out on dates is not only beneficial to your relationships but also your friendships. Remember it is important to make time for your best friend, they have loved you through the good, the bad and the UGLY! Here our some ideas, we do together.

1. Have a TV show together.
2. Have a favorite meal together, ( Taco Tuesday, anyone?)
3. Go to the gym together.
4. Go for a hike!
5. Learn how to surf together, already know. Go enjoy the waves!
6. Take a cooking class.
7. Cook dinner for one another, one has the appetizer the other has the entree.
8. Get your nails together.
9. Go shopping
10. Eat your night away, with all your favorite junk food. ( PMS, anyone)
11. Start a pinterest board, for your weddings.
12. Try that new restaurant you both have been talking about.
13. Look through old photos.
14. Have a photoshoot!

What are your favorite friend date:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend