Annoying Text Every  Single Girl Gets


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Imagine you are single (check) and there you are all comfy and cozy on your couch,  bun on top of your head, draped in your favorite comfy t- shirt (probably an ex’s, mine is) sweatpants on and wine in your hand. As you plop yourself on the couch and begin to retire for the evening your phone goes off ding, ding, buzz, buzz, you have a new text message and it’s from…..

Whether it is from a guy you like, a guy you just met, your girlfriends or your ex, we all have received at least one of the texts below.  As my single girlfriends and I shared text stories and a few cocktails, we compiled our list of texts that we had received through out our singleton years that either really annoyed us, made us laugh or just where too good to delete. Let me know if you can relate, comment below!

Texts You Get From The Guys:

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Sup: If that didn’t spell it out for me enough, the subtext to the infamous “sup” text  which is usually received later  than 10 0’clock at night is really code for what are you doing, are you alone, do you want to come over and have sex.

You Awake: Cousins of the sup text this one is usually sent when he is drunk at the bar feeling alone and horny .

What are you doing tonight: Code for he is feeling out his options.

Ex text: Either his spidey senses are tingling and he knows you are moving on or he is looking for sex with no commitment.

Dick Pic: ( Not asked for) Need I say more….

Dick Pic: (asked for) Need I say more… again…

No Text:  When you really like a guy and it is just crickets…yup.. even Suri can’t help you with that one.

Text From Your Girlfriends: 

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Has he Texted: Thanks for the reminder, NOPE he hasn’t.

Let’s Go Out: You have to give your friends credit, they just want to see you happy but you would rather stay in with Oliva Pope and a bottle of red.

What should I text him: When you or your friend is having trouble trying to respond back to text from a guy.

Your Über Is Arriving: Even Uber gets in on the action, yup you have to pay a man to drive you places.

What are some of your favorite text messages you have received?

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend