Am I Drinking Enough Water? That Is The Question! am I drinking enough water

I Drank A Gallon Of Water A Day For A Month And This Is What Happened. // Round-Up

I will be the first to say it, I hate drinking water! You couldn’t have paid me to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day! Yes, I have found ways to up my intake like adding lemon and ginger to a couple of glasses a day, adding collagen to a few others but what my real problem was that I didn’t really understand the pure power of simply drinking enough water a day had on my overall health.

Just so I state this upfront I am speaking from my own personal experience, I am not a doctor. I chose to start drinking a gallon a water a day because I knew that drinking more water was important to my well being, I learned some pretty eye-opening things along the way.  Don’t thin you can drink a gallon a day don’t worry start off small, try 4 glasses that are 8 oz each,  then move 6 glasses, then to 8 glasses and so on and so on till you are drinking a gallon a day without noticing.  Please note, you can drink too much water in one sitting, don’t force yourself to drink water if your body is telling you to stop.

Okay, so below is what I found by drinking enough water every day for a month.

My Skin Became Clearer: 

Ya, ya, ya everyone says to drink more water, it will help clear your skin and before this, I would drink a glass or two a  day and think,

“Well, they don’t know what they are talking about, my skin is still isn’t clearer.”

Once I started drinking a gallon of water each day,  I started to notice how clear my skin was becoming even during my cycle. Water is what I like to call the great detoxifier, water helps flush out the toxins in your body from your blood to your skin!

I Began To Feel Fuller Longer:

Have you ever heard that saying, if you think your hungry try drinking an 8 oz glass of water before snacking? They say to do this because your body is sending out a signal that it needs nourishment or hydration and sometimes we can confuse thirst for hunger. I have to say this was my biggest issue because I wasn’t drinking enough water my body was telling me it needed something and I always went for a snack instead of a glass of water. Once I started drinking more and more water throughout the day, I quickly realized I was severely dehydrated not hungry which leads me to my next point.

My Weight:

Look, I always knew that drinking enough water helps not only aid in weight loss which wasn’t and isn’t why I started drinking a gallon a water a day but it also helps to get things moving if you know what I mean. Why am I sharing this? Well for the life of me, I  couldn’t get rid of my lower gut bloat. No amount of abs, dieting, etc was doing the trick. I always just held on to this lower gut bloat that wouldn’t go away. After about a week of drinking a gallon of water a day, obviously spaced out during the day, I started to notice the puffiness in my lower gut going away. I actually saw the puffiness of my whole body go away. What I noticed was that for me drinking enough water was actually the answer all.  Drinking the water was helping my body get rid of that bloat, excess waste or toxins that my body was holding on to. Which leads me to my next point.

My Mindset:

Once I realized all these amazing things that were happening by just drinking enough water throughout the day, something just clicked! My mindset became more clearer, my headaches were disappearing and I just felt better as a whole and my energy came back bigger than ever!

This gallon jug is super helpful, if you want to check it out yourself click here, it truly has been a game-changer!

am I drinking enough water

Let me state again. Please note you can drink too much water, listen to your body, know when it is enough. Don’t force your body to drink more if you physically can’t.