Your Monthly Affirmations January 2021

daily affirmations the modern day girlfriend

I will be honest, I started sharing affirmations back in 2020 and somewhere along the line I stopped but I really do love affirmations, they may seem silly to some but I believe in the power these words  hold because you and only you are giving them meaning and implementing them into your daily life. How cools is that, I wanted to kick off  my modern monthly affirmations with a round up of affirmations to get us started but through out the months I will tailor them to , relationships, health, career, etc so please feel free to drop what type of affirmations you want to see in the comment section below!

One for every day this month! 30 Daily Affirmations

1.I am smart

2.I am worthy

3.I am kind

4.I am respected

5.I make an impact

6.I accept me

7.I choose to be happy

8.I am living to my fullest potential

9.I have grown, I am growing

10.I accept XYZ about myself

11.I am allowed to live a life of abundence

12.I forgive myself

13.I am capable

14.I am valuable

15.I am limitless in my potential

16. I radiate energy

17.Today is a good day

18.I can do this

19. No once can make me feel inferior

20.I’ve got this

21. I believe I can so will

22. I have a beautiful life

23. I am healthy

24. I am healing

25. I will not allow others to dictate my choices

26. I am in control

27. I am and so I shall be

28. I forgive

29. I am okay

30. I’ve got this.