7 Ways To Rock This Valentine’s Day Solo

Photo| The Odyssey Online
Valentine’s Day, although a romantic idea in theory, might be one of the most dreaded holidays not only for couples, but also for singles. There is such a stigma when it comes to this love filled day that it seems as though people forget what the day is really about. The true meaning of this holiday is to take the TIME to show the person you love the most that they matter. Whether that special someone is your significant other or even “yourself,” it is important to make the time to unplug from the outside world.
Granted, being single on Valentine’s Day is never easy, but talking from experience, celebrating alone is not the end of the world! Whether you are dealing with a break up or nearing another Valentine’s Day being single, here are some solo Valentine’s Day ideas to do for the person you LOVE the most, YOURSELF!
Buy Yourself Flowers & Chocolate
“AS IF!” Hear me out. If Cher from Clueless can do it, so can you! Pamper yourself with and indulge in something sweet and remind yourself that you matter!
Get UP & Get OUT!
Try something new, like that work out class you have been meaning to try or go for a hike. Try something on your bucket list and get your blood flowing! You will feel much better than if you sat on the couch all day while eating a carton of ice cream and on your 11th rom- com of the day!
Be Selfish:
Pamper yourself! Who said spoiling yourself is a bad thing? Take a bubble bath, go for a massage, do your own facial, and take the night for yourself!
Write A Love Letter To Yourself:
Write down the reasons why you love yourself or the characteristics you value most about yourself. You will be amazed at what you read!
Stay off social media. If you are spending the evening online, not only will you be tempted to creep on your ex, but also, just like any other “holiday,” people will be posting about what they are doing! Seeing other people celebrating might make you feel lonely.
Have a Gal-en-tine Dinner:
Gather up your other single friends and host a dinner! NO, this is not a way to remind you that you are single, but instead an excuse to get your girlfriends together! Are all your girlfriends in a relationship? Don’t worry, try to host the night a day early!
Give Love To Others:
Offer a hand at an animal shelter, a homeless shelter, a children’s hospital, or anywhere you can. You will be amazed how full your heart will feel at the end of the day by giving to someone else rather than receiving!
It Will Be Okay!
Even if this is not the day you planned, remember that Valentine’s Day is only 24 hours. You will be okay!
How are you spending this Valentine’s Day?
T: Moderndaygf
Featured Photos: www.glamour.com