Get Him To Text You Back With These 10 Texting Rules


Text messaging is the most common way we communicate in today’s society. Not only does it help us send and receive messages quickly, but also it is has changed the way we get to know someone or even date them. Texting can be tricky and sticky when it comes to clear lines of communication. Often times, the tone can get lost and we tend to take it personally if we don’t hear back from someone in what feels like an appropriate time frame. All of these feelings seem especially true when texting with someone you like. Unanswered texts are one of the biggest complaints I hear from my friends when it comes to dating in the digital age.

What’s the secret to getting guys to text back? Look, I am not saying I have the answers, but I do know that these simple “rules” I put into place for myself have helped keep communication easy going, fun, and not clouded by “what ifs.”

  1. Play Hard To Get: Don’t respond quickly. Give him some time to wonder what you are doing. Go take a shower, answer emails, or watch an episode of your favorite TV show. I know it is easier said than done, but try!
  2. Have Your Own Thing: You had a life before you met and you still do. Remember what your interests and passions are- focus on them. Not only does this give you your own activities to enjoy, but also it is something else you bring to the table. You never want to appear needy or like you have nothing else going on.
  3. Keep The Texting Even: You don’t want to bombard him with text messages. If he texts you one thing, don’t answer back with 4 separate texts. If it is that important, pick up the phone.
  1. Keep It Fun: A text message is not a place where you should fight or share personal and important information. Instead, send funny videos or memes creating a fun banter between the two of you. Who doesn’t like someone who makes them laugh?! 
  1. Be Flirty: If you like the guy let him know. I am not saying send him inappropriate texts or photos, but be clear on how you feel about him.
  1. Talk about His Interest: Guys love it when the girl they are dating is interested in things that they like too. Even if it’s not your favorite thing in the world, still let him know that you listen to him when he talks about his hobbies. You at least want to learn about his interests so you can understand why it’s important to him.
  1. Don’t Creep: Today there are so many ways to find out what someone is doing. If he hasn’t texted you back, but likes a photo on Instagram don’t take it personally. He will get a hold of you when he can.
  1. Pursue Him: Dating is a two way street. Often times we forget that guys, just like girls, want to feel wanted and desired, so if you can’t seem to get him out of your head send a flirty light hearted text his way and leave it at that. Let him get a hold of you.
  1. Keep The Convo Open Ended: Don’t end your text with a “K” or “sounds good.” Keep the conversation going by leaving him room to respond to your comments. If you feel like the conversation has died down, bring up something else to talk about, but remember you don’t want to be too accessible. Other times, remind him you have a life other than him. Tell him you’re busy and you will get in touch later.
  1. Remember Your Worth: Life is meant to be lived and not just seen waiting behind a phone. No one person should have the power to stop your day. If you had plans and haven’t heard from him, make other plans. If this continues to be the case- move on. There is someone else out there who wants to spend time with you.

Do you have rules when it comes to texting while dating?

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend 

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