7 Ways To Deal When He Stops Texting

Photo Via collegecandy.com
It is safe to say that texting has become the most popular form of communication. As a society that is extremely attached to our mobile devices, we tend to take it personally when we don’t get an instant reply back. I know I am gulity of this, especially when it comes to dating. I realized that I was creating “noise” where there was silence and once I noticed my pattern, I decided to make a change. I inherited a new way of thinking when it came dating via text!
So what is a girl to do when all of a sudden the guy you have been texting just stops? Below is a list of ways to deal with the silence and to be okay with it!
- It’s NOTHING Personal: Today we are so use to instant gratification that typically when we don’t get a response right away, we tend to take it personally and we shouldn’t. Give him some time. Most people don’t ignore texts on purpose. Days get busy and people get distracted. Give it some time and don’t bring it up when he does text you back!
- Give It Time & Space: One of the worst things you can do when he hasn’t returned a text is to continue to text him or call him over and over again. If he really wants to respond, he will get a hold of you when he can.
- Do Other Things: In an earlier post, I shared fun activities to distract yourself with when you are waiting for his response. Read a book, focus on your work, or go out with your friends.
- Move On: If we are talking a longer wait than by the end of the day, or it has been couple days since you last spoke- move on. DON’T take it personally and be thankful that you didn’t get more invested than you did. Download a couple of dating apps and go out!
- React: You can’t control why someone stops talking to you, but you can control how you react to the situation.
T: Moderndaygf
Featured Image Via: Hercampus.com