Dating Disaster: 50 Shades Of Bae
The other night I went out to dinner with this guy who found me on my private Instagram account. I was scrolling through my requests when I noticed this incredibly attractive man, so I clicked over to his page to check him out. He was an established author, extremely good looking and seemed like a well rounded guy that any girl would want to date. I accepted his request. To my surprise shortly there after I got a message in my DM box. All it took was a simple compliment of my pictures from him and I was like a gidy school girl all over again.
We began talking and exchanged numbers. He then followed up with a text. He asked me out and I declined the first two times, I was legitimately busy. I didn’t owe this guy anything. We finally made plans and it was probably one of my favorite dates I have so far.
As we took down one spicy margarita after the other, our laughter grew louder, our stories more intimate and our attraction stronger. I didn’t want the evening to end but like every good thing as we said goodnight, he asked for a second date. I of course accepted immediately. Before he hopped in his Uber and drove off with my heart, he whispered something in my ear. Let’s just say the comment was about how he couldn’t wait to see me again and next time the margaritas wouldn’t be the only thing that was spicy and hot. As he came in close to me he whispered something about my finger up his butt! “Yea, I paused too.” Quickly turning my head away I shut the door to the Uber and sent him on his Christian Grey way.
The next day I was scrolling through my Facebook. It’s funny how the internet works. After some time scrolling through my friend’s pictures, I found myself starring at my Mr. Grey’s face! I clicked on his photo and to my surprise I realized we had many mutual friends! Do they know about his dark side? Does he really have one? Is he a good guy? Did I hear him wrong? I wanted to find out these answers so I texted some of our mutual friends.
Almost immediately I got an instant phone call back. “UH OH, this can’t be good!” Does he have a girlfriend, is he a creep, is he a player? All of these questions spilled out of my mouth as I picked up the phone.
I was met with laughter and a quick response, “NO NO, he is a wonderful guy, smart, educated, wordly BUT…” ( OH NO THERE IS A BUT) .. “He is Christian Grey x’s 1000.”
“Excuse me?” I said.
My friend told me, “It’s kind of a known thing that he is into extremely kinky stuff.” I won’t get into detail because I can’t even type the words to share.
So, I guess the moral of the story is this: keep your Insta Crush close, but your friends closer and always use protection!
Modern Day Girlfriend Dating Tip: If you and the guy you are talking to on social media have mutual friends always check with your friends first before you go out on a date!
What’s Your Worst Date Story?
T: Moderndaygf