Digital Dating Detox: 5 Things To Do Immediately After You Break Up With Someone

Getting over someone is never easy regardless of the time frame. Whether you spent 6 years or 6 months together, the connection you shared with each other is hard to move past. Having gone through my fair share of heartbreaks,
I think it is safe to say that BREAK UPS SUCK!!!
We all have different ways of coping with heart break; however, I hope that you will be able to find some clarity or be inspired by something I share in this article or on The Modern Day Girlfriend site. Just like the Internet has changed dating, the web has also changed they way we break up.
Social media has made it easier to see what your ex is doing by “checking in” on them via their Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram. With so many ways of being connected to your ex without actually being together, you can do real harm to your already emotional state of mind.
Inspiring and empowering one another is what The Modern Day Girlfriend is all about. You are not alone and that’s why I want to share 5 things I have learned when breaking up. I implement these tips in my life when I feel like I will never get over someone thanks to the Internet.
Here is to you and your happiness.
Stop Looking at Their Social Media:
Easier said than done, right? Although this might be the hardest thing you have had to do in awhile, you must be willing to let them go not only physically, but also “socially.” “Checking in” via their social media to see what they have been up to and who they are talking to will often create more unlikely scenarios in your head. Relationships and breakups are not meant be lived online, so don’t act them out there as well. Give yourself the time and space you need to heal, disconnect.
Block His Number (For Now):
This way you aren’t living in the world of constantly checking your phone. You are secretly handing yourself the power and being in control of the situation. Try it for a couple days, you will soon forget that you blocked his number and your days will continue to move forward just like you will be doing.
Don’t Live In The What If’s:
Checking their social media can lead to many unanswered questions and uncertainties, so if you both abstain from checking his social media and block his number, you won’t be thinking about the “ what if’s.” You can’t go back and change something that already happened, nor can you go back and change someone or something into something they are not. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and we must live in the reality of the events that have passed. Don’t live in the “what we wish had happened.”
How do you detox from you break ups? Let me know by tagging me.
T: Moderndaygf
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