First Date Etiquette:


Trust me, I get it, it is much easier to stay in your sweats sit on the couch and eat a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream to yourself as you watch Scandal, but if you are trying to be find your soulmate, he won’t be in the bottom of the jar, trust me I have tried….Numerous of times.

Depending where you are in your life, dating can be tricky.  You aren’t necessarily looking for the same thing in a person you were when you were 16. If you are 16 and reading this post, thanks for joining us, we love you too!

Here is a small list of things NOT to bring up on the first date.

1. Your Ex: 

No one wants to hear about what came before them, especially on the first date. Granted their might be times during your conversation that a memory might pop in your head, let is be just that a memory. If this relationship is meant to be trust me you will have plenty of time to go through each others little black book!

2. Money: 

Just don’t do it, especially on the first date!

3. Religion or Politics: 

I think you catch our drift. Two topics that tend to be tricky to navigate in the beginning of a relationship. If this feels right, take your time get to know the person before you.

4. Dating Experiences: 

Whether this is dating online or meeting someone at  bar, please don’t bring it up. It leads the conversation into a whole new avenue that makes it feel more like you are comparing notes. #friendzone.

5. Sexual partners: 

Save this till you know you two are serious. Some people don’t care to know their significant others numbers and that’s fine but if you do, don’t ask on the first date!

What’s the worst thing you have been asked on a date:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend