dating confidence


Every single person struggles with their confidence at one time or another. Dating is a particular aspect of life where it can be tricky to find your confidence. Meeting new people and opening yourself up to them means being vulnerable, which so many people fight against. Many resist opening up because their self-confidence is not there yet. If confidence is something you have trouble with, especially when it comes to dating, here are a few tips to consider as you work towards improving your self-esteem.

4 Ways to Find Your Confidence in the Dating World

1.Set goals for yourself



Confidence often comes from witnessing yourself work towards and accomplish tasks. Begin by setting goals in various facets of life, such as in work, school, or your personal life. Consider what you’d like to improve and set specific goals with a finish date in mind. Writing down all of your goals in a journal is a useful tip so you can easily track your progress. Once you begin accomplishing the goals you set for yourself, you can look back on all the personal developments you’ve made and will draw confidence from that. Bonus tip: with all these achievements you’ve been tracking, you’ll also have plenty of new experiences you can chat about on dates.


2. See yourself in a new light


People that have issues with their self-esteem are constantly allowing themselves to be overtaken by negativity. If you find that you’re viewing yourself in a negative way, work on methods to become more positive. Gaining positivity is a natural way to develop more confidence in yourself. Along with your goals journal, it could be useful to keep a positivity journal. In here, you can write down the things about yourself that make you feel good about yourself. For example, jot down compliments you receive that perk up your mood or qualities about yourself you find praiseworthy. Whenever you feel the negativity creeping in, pick up your journal and recognize your wonderful qualities instead. This is a great practice to pick up before you leave the house to get you in a positive mindset for meeting new people.


3. Speak with a mentor


So many others have already found ways to build confidence, so why not chat with one of these people who inspire you? Perhaps there’s a coworker or family member that you’ve always admired who can lead you towards becoming more confident. Offer to treat him or her to a cup of coffee so you can pick his or her brain. You’ll likely be able to learn many lessons from this person, not just tips to develop self-confidence. Take the lessons from your time with your mentor into your dating life to help your best self come through.


4. Go into dates prepared


If dates are places where you’ve previously struggled with your confidence, prepare yourself ahead of time so that you’re not panicking as the date gets started. Start off by scoping out where you’ll be seeing each other. Is it casual or formal? Once you know more about the venue, you’ll know how to prepare. Then, before your date, make sure to step up your personal hygiene game. There’s nothing worse than chatting closely with someone that has horrible breath. Make sure to take a shower, brush your teeth, and spritz on some body spray before you head out. If it’s possible that things might move into the bedroom at the end of the night, it doesn’t hurt to have some protection and Sildenafil (generic Viagra) on hand. Making sure you’re ready ahead of time for your date will give you less to worry about so you can put more focus on your date.

Hopefully, these tips will help you find your confidence as you navigate the dating world. Remember: the most important rule is to be comfortable with yourself. If you’re not comfortable with who you are, you won’t be able to truly open yourself up to let others in.

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