Keep Yourself From Getting Catfished
Okay so you’re a match, now what?
In the world of digital dating, how do you make sure the person on the other side of the “phone” is really who they say they are? Here are my top 4 ways I have vetted the guys I have matched with online before I agreed to meet up with them.
One of the first things I do when I swipe right for a guy on a dating app is look through all his pictures and check out his location. Apps like Tinder and Bumble let you know the guys who are in your geographical proximity. Location is important because you may be surprised to find out that the guy you swiped right to doesn’t even live in your state! Learned that one the hard way. WHOMP WHOMP. If you are on a dating app to find more than just a good time, make sure he actually is where he says he is!
Typically on dating apps, there is a bio section where people can write a little something about themselves along with a place where they can state their job occupation. Often times, people will put their Instagram handle in their bio to show they are who they say they are, which is extremely helpful for both parties involved. However, don’t let their bio and Instagram be the end all be all. Do some of your own research. Look up the company he says he works at. Sites like Linkedin are helpful, as well as, a good old fashion Google search. I am not saying learn about his childhood, but make sure you “research” enough that you can confirm he is who he says he is.
You have been corresponding for some time now over the app and you feel safe and comfortable enough to give him your number. Now what? Some guys will continue the conversation strictly through text, but others might bottle up enough courage to pick up the phone and call you. I personally like the latter approach better than the first. I have noticed that typically older men will ask for your number and call you for a date, rather than text you for one. Whatever the case may be, this is another tool to help you make sure this person at least sounds like who they say they are.
Whether you talked on the phone for hours, or even scheduled a date already, find a way to ask him to send you a photo of himself. I follow the request up with a flirty, yet funny line like, “have to make sure I am not being catfished.” I ask for a picture because I want to make sure he is actually who he says he is. If the photo looks like it’s staged, extremely grainy, or like it could have been taken offline, RED FLAG! Granted, you never met this person and it might seem weird, but if he is who he says he is, what is one more selfie, right?
Whether you agree with my “ground rules” or have your own, dating in the digital age can be tricky and often times people are not who they say they are, so play it smart and always listen to your gut.
What are some of the ways you vet guys:
T: Moderndaygf