20 Ways Keep To Keep The Spark Alive

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We don’t want to believe it but there is such a thing as the “honeymoon phase” in relationships which we never think will fade and like nails on a chalkboard you can’t stand the sound of someone telling you to “give it a couple months and see how you feel.” Even if you hit that milestone they tell you “talk to them after three years” it’s like they are already dooming your relationship before it starts.
At the end of the day every relationship is different what one couple expereiences might not be what you experience in yours. We are all just trying to do and be our best when it comes to matters of the heart. That’s why whether you are still in the honeymoon phase or not it is important to keep the spark alive below are fun ways to make every day feel like the first day you met, ENJOY!
- The dinner table & bedroom are a NO PHONE ZONE! Use these two rooms for what they were designed for!
- Instead of asking their day was, ask them what was the high in their day and what was the low and why?
- Write each other a love letter and have the other person read it aloud.
- Cook dinner together.
- Talk sexual fantasies.
- Talk about where you see yourself and your relationship in a year from now.
- Read a book together and discuss it every night.
- Take a trip together or create a fun “stay-cation.”
- Take a cooking class.
- Give them alone time which helps your partner recharge which in turns makes them more attentive to you while reconnecting with you.
- Face a fear together.
- Look through old photos, from their childhood, school yearbooks, etc.
- Being naked, take a shower together, sleep naked, etc.
- Build a fort and watch your favorite movies.
- Workout together hike, bike or walk and talk. Ask how you can keep each other motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- Give back whether it is volunteering at your local church, school, temple, charity, etc. Giving to others not only opens your heart but your partners too.
- Ask them about the first time they knew they had fallen for you.
- Recreate your first date at least once a year.
- Do they have a favorite memory of your time together and why?
- Connect at the end of the day whether it’s a hug, a kiss good night or an ” I am thinking about you” text. Always find time at the end of the day to let your partner know the day is not complete without ending it with them.
What are you some of the ways your keep the spark alive?
T: Moderndaygf