20 Signs You’re Over Your Ex.


Photo via datetricks.com

They say time heals all things and judging from my own personal experiences I would have to agree especially when it comes to matters of the heart and although time is an intrical part of the healing process it doesn’t erase the memories of your once happy heart. However with each passing day the heart break hurts just a little less sooner than later without realizing it your ex will become a distant memory.  They will  no longer hold your thoughts captive allowing you to start to feel again and let’s get real, how incredible does it feel when you finally get over your ex?

There really isn’t another feeling like it and I am right, seeing a text from them no longer tugs at your heart or finding an old photo doesn’t make your heart yearn for what once was. Congrats you are one step closer! It’s kinda like this weird  sense of self — empowerment you never knew you had.

Go on test yourself below, are you over your ex? It’s okay if you’re aren’t, let your heart heal in its own time. This post isn’t exact science nor crafted to all the broken hearts out there, simply a fun read a way to help you get through whatever it is with a smile!

1. You stop checking their social media pages.

2.  You’re not waiting for a text that will never come.

3. You don’t cry  yourself to sleep anymore.

4. You can see other couples and not think about it being the two of you.

5. Coming home to watch Scandal and opening a bottle of wine sounds like the perfect date night.

6. Finding an old photo of you two gives you a sense of great fondness instead of sadness.

7.  Your ex isn’t the last thing you think about before bed and the first thing you think about when you wake!

8.  You’re IN LOVE.. With yourself!

9.  When you hear your ex has moved on you are genuinely happy for them!

10.  When day dreaming about your wedding you no longer see their face.

11.  You’re open to dating again.

12. You’re focusing more on yourself.

13. You can listen to your song without crying!

14. Your past makes you better and not bitter.

15. Seeing his jacket in your closet doesn’t make you nostalgic.

16. Romantic comedies make you actually laugh instead of cry.

17.  You stop coming up with excuses or reasons to text him.

18.  You realized the difference of being in love and staying in love.

19.  You can spend more money on yourself than getting them presents during the holidays!

20. You believe in finding true love again.

What are some ways you noticed you are over your ex:

T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend