20 First Date Questions

20 first date questions

OH NO, there it is the awkward silence, your sitting across from your date and you can hear a pin drop across the restaurant! You’re searching for the words but they aren’t coming out. You don’t know what happened, the date seemed to be going well and than nothing! Don’t worry, what might seem like an eternity to you could feel like seconds to your date but if you are having a hard time finding a conversation start, no need to worry! We have put a list together of some fun topics to get those lips moving!

Some might seem like you have heard these before but try these out and let us know! You might be surprised, one question can spark a full conversation!

1. Where did you grow up, small town, city? Do you think that shaped you character in any way?

2. Did you have a nickname growing up, what’s the story behind it?

3. Have you traveled, if so what was your favorite place and why?

4. What was your favorite meal growing up, is it still your favorite type of cuisine?

5. What was your family like growing up, do you have any siblings?

6. What did you want to be when you grew up, did you become it?!

7.  What’s your favorite movie?

8. Do you have a favorite joke, let me hear it. ( Hopefully you have the same sense of humor!)

9.  What’s one thing you can’t stand, pet peeves?

10.  When is your birthday, what was your favorite gift you ever received?

11. Do you think actions speak louder than words?

12. Who  was your first concert, do you still like that type of music?

13.  Did you play sports growing up, who is your favorite sports team?

14.  Are you a dessert person or cheese and bread kind of person?

15. Do you still have friends from when you are younger, how did you meet?

16. Are you a cat person or a dog person?

17. Do you have a favorite saying, why?

18. What life lesson taught you the most and why?

19. If you could think of one word to describe yourself what would it be and why?

20. If you were to cook me a meal what meal would it be and why?

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T: Moderndaygf

F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend