Friends, want to know something crazy! Every day, each morning we have the power and the opportunity to create something magical in our day! We have the ability to map out the day we will have and not let the situations or the unforeseen circumstances of each day control how we will feel.

How cool is that? I never really understood this self-empowering feeling until I really tried this list out below so whether you are just looking to share in a smile today or be inspired to find your happiness below I have put together my list of 10 ways to be happy every day! 

10 Ways To Be Happy Every Day

1.Start your day with gratitude:

 be happy

I do this every day and it has changed how I take on the day completely. Before I do anything else I take 5 minutes to write down 5 things I am thankful for it can be as simple as hearing the birds chirping outside to being able to do what I do for a career.

2.Spend at least 15 minutes outside:

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Whether you work at home or in an office, warehouse, etc go outside and just stop. Breathe, let the sun hit your face. Take a walk get your blog pumping and your lungs filled with fresh air.

3.Do Something Nice For Someone Else:   be happy

There is truly nothing like the feeling you get when you give back to others no matter how big or small.

4.Take Time For Your Relationships

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They say friends and family have a profound impact on your life, spending time whether in person or a phone call, with your friends and loved ones generally can make a person much happier.


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Even if you don’t feel like it, think positively can help you act more positively.

6. Set An Intention For The Day:

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When you wake up each morning set an intention for yourself each day.  your eyes open to the light of a new day, take a moment to set an intention

7. Surround Yourself With Happy People:

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Happiness is contagious when you surround yourself with happy people, you have no choice but to feel good!

8. Say Thank You

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Appreciate those around you, appreciation for the things you have rather than focusing on the things you don’t!

9.  Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

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Learn to come to terms with things that are out of your control and let them go.

10. Choose Happy

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Wake up each day with the intention of being happy!

Did you find this helpful, let me know below! 


