10 Helpful Tips For The First Date


Here is our list of 10 helpful tips for a first date. 

1.Wear something that is flattering to your body, if you are showing legs cover up the chest & vice versa. You want to leave something for their imagination

2. Don’t lead with I don’t know after he asks you a question. Be decisive, don’t make all the decisions but  give him your input.

3. Order what you would normally eat, you don’t want to start off pretending your someone you’re not.

4.When it comes to the bill, let him make the first move, when he does, make a move towards your purse/wallet. If he says I got it, leave it at that & say thank you. If he accepts your offer, split it. This might be a deal breaker for some and not for  others.

5.  Relax, just be you and be present.

6.  Actually having fun, tell him about yourself, be open.

7. Don’t have sex!

8. Don’t bring up an ex! Your date doesn’t care at this point!

9. Don’t keep your phone out, you came out on a date for a reason. If you wanted to stay home and text you should of done just that

10.  Don’t over serve yourself!

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F: The Modern Day Girlfriend 


P: The Modern Day Girl Friend