Breakfast Banana Split

With everything that comes along with an IVF journey, shots, pills, timelines, time frames, hormones, emotions, etc. Figuring out what to eat shouldn’t be what causes the most stress or stress at all and being able to fuel your body with nutrient it needs to help support your journey shouldn’t be daunting or confusing either.

That’s why as I am on my journey I wanted to openly share my meals that not only save time me time but are good for me! These are just meals I make myself and wanted to share🤍

PS this meal is delicious and healthy regardless if you’re going through IVF or not packed with nutrients, vitamins, l and protein it’s a great bite to start to your day or even as a snack!

-Breakfast Banana Split –
One large banana split in half
1/2 cup Oat milk plain yogurt
1/2 cup organic cut 🍓
1/2 cup organic 🫐
1 tbsp organic Peanut Butter
1/3 cup Granola
Sprinkle of  chia seeds & goji berries.

Slice the banana in half and add all the toppings and enjoy